LAMDA Musical Theatre

Matthew offers LAMDA Musical Theatre training and exam entry with two options to choose from (duo, or solo) depending on what would work best for the individual performer. Duo and Solo Classes can take place at Matthew’s house in Reading, or at your own house.

Please see links to additional information and class options below:

LAMDA Website

Duo Classes

  • Share the cost with a friend!

  • Learn with a friend from a professional LAMDA MT Teacher

  • 30 minutes guarenteed 1-to-1 time per week

  • Enter into Solo or Duo LAMDA MT Exams or both!

  • Flexible evenings all year round anywhere in Berkshire

Solo Classes

  • Fastest Exam Success Option

  • Work 1-to-1 with a professional LAMDA MT Teacher

  • 60 minutes guaranteed 1-to-1 time per week

  • Fast entry into Solo LAMDA MT Exams, Grade 1 to 8

  • Flexible evenings all year round anywhere in Berkshire